Recent Plugins
- CR_RemoveOuterBlock - GitHub - Replaces a block of code with it's contents.
- CR_RefreshTemplate - GitHub - Allows the creation of templates which can be refreshed.
- CR_MultiSelect - GitHub - (Obsolete) - Feature Workshop - Allows you to define and use multiple selections at once.
- CR_QuickAddReference - GitHub - (Obsolete) Provides an alternative means to add references to your projects.
- CR_MetricShader - GitHub - Provides an alternative visualization of Coderush Metrics.
- CR_MethodPreview - GitHub - Provides a preview of a method from one of it's calls.
- CR_Loop - GitHub - Provides a TextCommand which expands a template multiple times.
- CR_CreateDelegate - GitHub - Generates Delegates from Methods.
- CR_CreateHeader - GitHub - Generates a header for the current class or file.
- CR_UnderscoreIdentifier - GitHub - Feature Workshop - Renames an identifier so that upper case characters are preceeded by underscores.
- CR_MarkersToolWindow - GitHub - Feature Workshop - Provides an additional tool window which shows the current stack of Markers within the system.
- CR_UpperCaseMenuControl - GitHub - Feature Workshop - Provides an options screen which allows a user to change the UPPER CASE natture of the VS menu items.
- CR_TranslationToolWindow - GitHub - Feature Workshop - Provides a ToolWindow to translate the active member (or file) to another language.
- CR_SyncNamespacesToFolder - GitHub - Feature Workshop - Alters the namespaces of all classes in a project so that they reflect the folders they are within.
- CR_SuperSiblingNav - GitHub - Provides Navigation providers which allow you to skip between sibling methods and properties whilst retaining relative selection and/or caret position
- CR_StringFormatter - GitHub - (Obsolete) Provides a 'Tab to Next Reference' extension, a CodeIssue and a Builder Dialog. designed to assist in the formatting of strings.
- CR_ImportNamespace - GitHub - Feature Workshop - Provides additional mechanisms for the adding of references to your project.
- CR_ReverseBoolean - GitHub - Reverses the logical meaning of a boolean variable without changing program behavior.
- CR_QuickPair - GitHub - Designed to make it easy to enter paired delimiters such as quotes, parens, brackets and braces.
- CR_PrimitiveTab - GitHub - Feature Workshop - Extends CodeRush's Tab to Next Reference feature to work with primitives like strings and integers.
- CR_OptionsInverter - GitHub - Feature Workshop - Providers refactorings to help plugin designers create options pages.
- CR_ProjectReferenceDefaults - GitHub - Feature Workshop - Allows the developer to configure some of the properties of new references.
- CR_ObjectInitializerToConstructor - GitHub - Feature Workshop - Provides a refactoring\CodeProvider for converting Object initialiser calls into constructor calls.
- CR_FavoriteViews - Feature Workshop - GitHub - A plugin to remember your open files and positions within them as saved workspaces.
- CR_EnforceNamingConventions - GitHub - An example of how to apply a naming convention across your solution.
- CR_ElementTagTabber - GitHub - Extends the existing 'Tab to Next Reference' functionality to navigate between an open and close pair of tags.
- CR_Disposomatic - GitHub - Feature Workshop - Provides IDisposable related CodeProviders and CodeIssues
- CR_EasierIdentifiers - GitHub - Feature Workshop - Plugin to convert spaces into shift keys during the creation of identifiers.
- CR_MenuPlus - GitHub - Provides an additional alternative Main menu is VS containing quick access to multiple coderush features and quick links.
- CR_GUIDGen - GitHub - Adds a StringProvider for generating GUIDs. Usefule for within Templates etc.
- CR_ClearAllMarkers - GitHub - Adds a new Command for clearing all CodeRush Markers
- CR_JumpToType - GitHub - Allows the user to jump from a variable reference, to the variable's type's declaration.
- CR_JumpToNamedMVCView - GitHub - (Obsolete) Provides a new NavigationProider to help you navigate to a razor view from a controller that calls it by name.
- CR_JumpToImplementation - GitHub - (Obsolete) Designed to jump to the first implementation of a method in an interface.
- CR_MarkerCloseOnCollect - GitHub - Closes files when collecting the 'last' CodeRush Marker within them.
- CR_CautiousChange - GitHub - Adds a Command to place a copy of highlighted code within a comment prior to editing it.
- CR_DeclareParameter - GitHub - A new Refactoring which mimics using "Declare Local" followed by "Promote to Parameter".
- CR_PromoteExpressionToParameter - GitHub - A new Refactoring which mimics using "Introduce Local" followed by "Promote to Parameter".
- CR_ConvertRegionToPartialClass - GitHub - Converts a region into a partial class.
- CR_ConvertToTryParse - GitHub - Replaces the use of Int.Parse with Int.TryParse
- CR_InterfaceNav - GitHub - Provides a number of implementations of 'To Implementor' within the CodeRush 'Jump To' SmartTag menu.
- CR_GenerateProxy - GitHub - Generates a Proxy class A, of Source class B, without altering B.
- CR_ImplementBaseConstructors - GitHub - (Obsolete) Generates constructors in the current class for each constructor in the base class.
- CR_TodoTabber - GitHub - Extends the Tab-to-Next-Reference feature of CodeRush so that one may Tab through all comments which match a given pattern.
- CR_RemoveRegions - GitHub - Provides a refactoring to remove all region directives in a file.
- CR_RegionTabber - GitHub - Extends the 'Tab-To-Next-Reference' feature of CodeRush to allow Tabbbing between matching #Region and #End region directives.
- CR_AttributeTabber - GitHub - Extends the 'Tab-To-Next-Reference' feature of CodeRush to allow navigation between the attributes of a HTML or XML tag (including their values)
- CR_InsertNewParentClass - GitHub - Creates a new class in the inheritance chain of A -> C, such that A -> B -> C.
- CR_XMLNav - GitHub - Extends the 'Tab to Next Reference' feature, by allowing you to tab between 'id' and 'ref' XML attributes that share the same value.
- CR_StyleNinja - GitHub - Provides CodeIssues and Refactorings to simulate many of the StyleCop Rules.
- CR_SplitTag - VSGallery \ GitHub - CodeProvider to split a HTML or XMl tag into 2 pieces at the caret.
- CR_SortFormatTokens - VSGallery \ GitHub - CodeProvider to sort and renumber the string tokens and the associated arguments of a string.format call.
- CR_ContextualReplace - GitHub - Configurable Inline Contextual Replace via the CodeProvider menu.
- CR_CollapseXML - VSGallery \ GitHub - Provides a command to collapse XML (or HTML) elements with an 'id' or 'name' attribute.
- CR_ReferencesMetric - GitHub - Adds a new CodeRush Metric which counts references to the member being evaluated.
- CR_CorrectReturnType - GitHub - Allows the user to correct the retuyrn type of a function based on the type of a returned expression.
- CR_RemoveStringToken - GitHub - Allows the user to remove a string token from a string, along with it's associated argument.
- CR_ReverseOperands - GitHub - Allows the user to reverse the order of 2 operands.
- CR_ReverseArgs - GitHub - Allows the user to reverse the order of a pair of method arguments.
- CR_SetPluginVersion - GitHub - Allows a plugin developer to simultaneously set the AssemblyFileVersion and AssemblyVersion attributes aswell as the Version element in their plugin's VSIX.
- CR_ExtensionMethodsHelper - GitHub - Adds a CodeProvider which adds missing namespace references for extension methods.
- CR_MiscStringProviders - GitHub - Provides a few additional useful StringPrvoders.
- CR_DeclareExtensionMethod VSGallery \ GitHub - Provides a CodeProvider which enables the creation of Extension methods from example calling code.
- CR_UseExtensionMethod VSGallery \ GitHub - Provides new Refactoring\CodeProvider to rewrite a call to an method as an extension method.
- CR_ConvertStringToAppSetting VSGallery \ GitHub - Provides new Refactoring to convert a string to a setrting held in an app.config file.
- CR_AddDataContract VSGallery \ GitHub - Provides new CodeProvider to add [DataContract] and [DataMember] attributes to a class.
- CR_TemplateImporter VSGallery \ GitHub - Imports CodeRush templates direct from the web.
- CR_IntroduceLocalAllArguments VSGallery \ GitHub - Provides a command to 'Introduce Local' on all arguments to a function call.
- CR_TemplateExpandWithCollapsedRegions VSGallery \ GitHub - Provides a command to expand a template and collapse any regions it might generate.
- CR_ExtractMethodAndInlineLiterals VSGallery \ GitHub - Extracts all literals in the selected code, then extracts the code, before inlining the literals again.
- CR_CleanupFileAndNamespaces VSGallery \ GitHub - Executes the CleaupFile action and OptimizeNamespace rafactorings in sequence.
- CR_RemoveQuotesFromString - One step command to remove the initial and trailing double quotes from around a string literal.
- CR_XMLNav - Provides enhanced navigation within XML files.
- CR_RenameFileSync - Hooks the CodeRush rename refactoring and renames the corresponding file at the same time.
- CR_Fader - Reduces the visibility of lines that start with certain prefixes. ie ' TODO
- CR_WrapInTryFunction - Generates a method that wraps the active method, in the same way that 'TryParse' wraps 'Parse'.
- CR_PreventDeleteCollapsedCode - Attempts to prevent the usefrom deleting code which contains a collapsed comment.
- CR_TemplateByExample - CodeRush plugin designed to help create simple templates.
Older Plugins
The following older plugins are not currently available in VSIX format. Please See here for how to install these older plugins
- Generation
- Menus
- Other
Where else can I find more CodeRush plugins?
CodeRush plugins can be found all over the place, but they tend to congregate in 3 locations in particular.
The DXCore Community Site
The original site for Community CodeRush plugins. This site was created back in the day, when the best source control available appeared to be SVN. The site hosted all plugins that were contributed to it in a single repository, which made many things difficult, but at the time there appeared to be no obvious better approach. Plugins based here are still maintained but new plugins are unlikely to be stored here since better options have become available.
Visual Studio Gallery
Later it was suggested that certain plugins would benefit from being showcased in a more prominent setting. By this time we had developed the facility to create plugins which would install via VSIX. This meant that we could use the Visual Studio Gallery to host VSIX versions of some plugins.
Therefore we have some CodeRush plugins hosted on the Visual Studio Gallery
In addition, plugins can be discovered from within Visual studio itself. (Tools\Extensions and Updates)
Most recently I (Rory) have transitioned to using git for most source control. I find it very flexible and never seems to get in my way. I started storing my newer plugins in git repositories (one plugin to a repo). After that the natural next-step seemed to be to host them on
Hosting my plugins in this manner has a number of benefits.
- Plugin repos can be forked (copied) without needing any explicit permission.
- Anyone can make a pull request (improve code and offer it back) without needing any explicit permission.
- has releases. Tags to which you can attach binaries etc which eases the process of distribution. I typically attach the VSIX directly to the release.
...and I'm sure there are other benefits as well.
Therefore you can now also typically find My plugins on github