What is the purpose of this site?
This site is here to provide a simple one stop shop for finding CodeRush plugins.
Initially I'll be adding plugins whose source is stored here on GitHub, but I'll also be happy enough to add references to plugins held elsewhere.
Have you abandoned the DXCoreCommunity site?
Yes and No. I have decided to use Git for any new plugins I create, but I am not abandonning the plugins hosted on the previous site. The site will remain for as long as it holds useful content. Personally, if I could "Magic" all of the plugins and wiki pages into sparate Git repos and link them from here, then I would. However that would take significant effort, and so I will settle for migrating plugins as, and when, it makes sence to do so.
Why use Git for new plugins?
In my humble opinion, Git is quicker, simpler and more flexible than any other VCS I've ever used. This being the case I decided that I would use Git for all my future plugin projects.
Why another site?
There are now 3 different locations where you can get community plugins.
- The Visual Studio Gallery (Hosted by Microsoft)
- The Community Plugin Site (Hosted by Google Code)
- My GitHub.com Account (Hosted by GitHub)
In addition there are some people, who want to share their plugins, but aren't so keen to share ther code. (Often this is because of the monolithic nature of the existing site and the (perceived) awkwardness of interacting with it. This may well change with the approach of putting plugins in individual Git repositories.) These people prefer to either keep their source to themselves or to publish it in some independant location. (Codeplex, Sourceforge, blogs etc)
The existing site also suffers from the same user rights limitation. ie only those who have been granted explicit access to the rpository can alter the site.
Therfore I created this site (hosted again on GitHub) which I hope in time, will replace the old community site. Note: I will continue to link to the existing site, which will not be removed until such time as all useful content is replicated or moved elsewhere. Being based in a Git repository, this site can be forked and pull requests made without any special permissions. Therefore if anyone reading this has a plugin they would like to add, easily send a pull request containing those additions.
People could send all sorts of pull requests...
- Please link to this plugin.
- I think we need a page which lists all plugin of type X
- Your typing\spelling is aweful... I have fixed this for you. :)
With plugins being located in all these different locations, it seemed sensible to have once location from which could unify these locations Modifying the existing site has also proven to be a problem. I feel it is disingenuous to continue using the existing site's wiki to index the plugins when the future of the community is elsewhere. Therefore I have created this site (on GitHub) which I will use as the primary central node for plugin indexing. I will continue to link to the Community site for as long as there is useful content there.
What about all the existing plugins?
The short answer is.. Nothing. In the short term they'll stay exactly where they are unless I discover a reason to change this.
The longer answer is.. If a plugin needs additional work, then I'd be inclined to move it's source to a new Git repository (probably published on GitHub) If I were to do this, then I would also move the Wiki page and any images and leave a forwarding link in it's place detailing where to find the plugin in future. I'd also be happy to move a plugin to GitHub if someone else wanted to work on it in isolation.
However some of the plugins were not contributed by me, but by other people. When considering moving a plugin to GitHub, Whose code I did not originally write, I'll try to contact the original author to check with them about this. This will either result in a clean move from SVN -> Git, or a split in the codebase of that plugin, which I will note in the SVN and GitHub Wiki pages.
So where should I go to find Updates and New Plugins?
Short answer: The homepage or Plugin page of this site. I am hoping for this site to be the one stop shop for links to plugins of all kinds in many locations. Let's link to as many plugins as we can. We can categorize them is all sorts of ways for easy location. If you have improvements you'd like to see, let me know and we can work together to revitalize this space together.
Who are you and how do I contact you?
How do I get my plugin listed?
Contact me and we'll work out the best way of presenting your plugin