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CodeRush Plugins

Adding even more awesome to CodeRush

The modern way to package up and deploy a CodeRush plugin, is through a VSIX package.

However there are many plugins available which have not yet been upgraded to take advantage of this facility.

How to install older plugins - Abridged

How to install older plugins - Unabridged


I installed my plugin, but it doesn't work. Why is this?

Is CodeRush Installed and operational?

CodeRush features are implemented so seemlessly that you can forget that CodeRush is even there. When setting up a new machine, it can be easy to forget to install until that moment where CodeRush or one of it's plugins fails to work. Crazy as it seems, you should check that CodeRush is actually instaled and running before proceeding further down this list. :)

Is your plugin dll in the correct location?

The default location for older plugins is:

C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\DevExpress\IDE Tools\Community\Plugins

This can of course be changed. To discover your current plugin folder visit CodeRush Options: Core\Settings. The 2nd option on this page will give you your plugin folder. Please ensure that your plugin dll and any dependancies are located here.

Have you restarted Visual Studio since installing your plugin?

Restarting Studio causes CodeRush to restart as well. This can give both the chance to reinitialize.

Has CodeRush loaded your plugin dll?

If your plugin is not loaded, there might be a problem with the plugin.

If your plugin is not listed then it might have been blocked by your OS (see next point)

Is your plugin blocked?

Some versions of windows attempt to block the use of dlls that have come from another computer by default.

In these cases you will need to unblock them.

Is your plugin enabled?

Some plugins ship disabled by default. Check their documentation for details on how to turn them on.

Does the plugin require additional configuration?

Check your plugin's documentation. Is there any additional configuration

Does your plugin require Templates?

Some plugins ship with a set of Templates that will need to be imported. check the Zip file your plugin shipped in.